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The Hungry Horde

In The Hungry Horde. you control mass of a wayward zombies. Every time your zombies bites a human, these newly-undead people will join your ever increasing horde, until you’re controlling whole streets full of the undead. Unfortunately, rampaging through the …

Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX

Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX is an HD remastered compilation of Kindom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix. HD remastered cinematics from KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded are also included in the compilation. …

The Crew

Take part in a relentless ride to infiltrate and overtake the 510s, a gang grown around Detroit’s illegal street racing scene. Your plan? Get a rep on the underground-racing scene and sabotage their activities city-by-city all across the United States. …

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions is a new evolution of the iconic, fast-paced and frenetic Geometry Wars shooter gameplay. It introduces full 3D action and competitive online multiplayer for the first time in the franchise. …

Deadfall Adventures: Heart of Atlantis

The year is 1938. James Lee Quatermain is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn’t one of them. Quatermain isn’t all too keen on escorting Jennifer Goodwin, a US agent and former colleague of his, to …

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

A downloadable version of the classic ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ game, provided through Nintendo’s Virtual Console service.

The year is 2035 and the player and a friend have been trapped within a massive castle owned by the Lord of Darkness. As the pair …

Demon’s Crest

A downloadable version of the classic Super Nintendo game, provided through Nintendo’s Virtual Console service.

In Demon’s Crest, you’ll engage in a struggle for control of the six magical stones. When combined, the stones comprise the Demon’s Crest, which grants …

Gargoyle’s Quest II: The Demon Darkness

A downloadable version of the classic NES game, provided through Nintendo’s Virtual Console service.

The monsters of Etruria ruled the world before humans. Now Firebrand the Gargoyle is trying to restore the magic that is vanishing from the Ghoul Realm. …

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

Serving as a prequel to the stories revealed in the TV series, Sonic Boom delivers a new Sonic experiences with collaborative gameplay at its core. Sonic and friends — Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and the newest member of the team, Sticks …

Far Cry 4

Step into a vast, unknowable land once again in this fourth game in the Far Cry franchise. Players find themselves in Kyrat, a wild region of the Himalayas struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king. Using a vast …