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Prototype 2

New York Zero is a post-viral wasteland broken up into three distinct districts. The Green Zone is heavily militarized. The Yellow Zone is an overcrowded refugee camp, nothing more than a quarantined shanty town. The war-ravaged nightmare known as the …

miCoach by Adidas

The first ever title which provides sportsmen and women with an authentic and authorised technical sports-training programme, miCoach brings a whole new level of interactivity to your training regime. Train in the comfort of your own home with an all-star …

NCAA Football 13

NCAA Football 13 is an American college football game in which players are given the ongoing opportunity to enjoy the collegiate game in multiple ways. Experience the rise to dominance of a young, up-and-coming gridiron star hoping to make his …

Test Drive: Ferrari Legends

In the racing world, one name is synonymous with speed, agility and perfection. One name crossed the boundary between automobile and Legend. The fine-tuned mechanics, groundbreaking design and blistering speeds of one of the world’s most coveted cars are yours …

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Drive Hard, Create Anything, Destroy EverythingWith Ridge Racer Unbounded, the Ridge Racer franchise gears up to carve its own destructive path on a spectacular collision course with PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Ridge Racer Unbounded adds an unexpected destructive …

Supremacy MMA

Supremacy MMA takes the non-stop brutal action of unsanctioned, amateur and unlicensed MMA fighting to new levels. Featuring refined, amped-up gameplay and controls, as well as new fighters and new locations, Supremacy MMA delivers fast and furious arcade-style gameplay.



What you think you know about the enemy is about to change. An insidious and faceless enemy is clawing its way into America, tearing at the fabric of the American dream. This is not an invasion that anyone could have …

Street Fighter X Tekken

The long awaited dream match-up between the two leaders in the fighting genre becomes a reality. STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN, delivers the ultimate tag team match up featuring iconic characters from each franchise, and one of the most robust character …

Major League Baseball 2K12

The longest running Major League Baseball franchise returns to the virtual diamond with MLB 2K12 from 2K Sports. Featuring advanced pitching & hitting controls, detailed player tendencies & scouting reports, and immersive game modes for any level of fan, MLB …

MLB 12 The Show

MLB 12 The Show is the latest release in a franchise has been the highest rated sports video game for the past 4 years. The Show enables consumers to immerse themselves in exhilarating baseball moments by delivering true-to-life gameplay, authentic …