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Puzzler Mind Gym 3D

Puzzler Mind Gym 3D offers you a daily program of brain exercises and puzzles in 3D, designed to help you make the most of your mind. Improve your capabilities in four categories you use every day: Visual, Memorization, Word-based, and Numerical. Brought to you by Puzzler, in conjunction with Professor Ian Robertson, an internationally recognized neuroscientist and expert on cognitive rehabilitation. Keep your brain active!


Exercise Your Mind – Choose among an extensive selection of games covering four categories: Visual, Memorization, Word-based, and Numerical, all of which are designed in 3D to exercise the mind in various ways.

Mind Gym Challenges – Stimulate your brain daily with a set of puzzles presented by the Professor.

Play As You Like – Play through each session from start to finish, or select from any of the 90 daily programs at any time and choose preferred game types at your leisure.

Profile Progress Tracker – Monitor your improvement as the tracker automatically records your progress over time.

Professor’s Strategies And Tips – Get expert advice from the Professor as you play, providing you with useful tips on exercising the mind, both inside and outside the game.