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Blasphemous features pixel-perfect, hack ‘n’ slash action married to a deep narrative, historical references and Metroidvania gameplay, which takes players on a punishing journey through the cursed world of Cvstodia.

Blighted by a foul curse known as ‘The Miracle’ and inhabited by twisted monsters and unforgiving bosses, Cvstodia’s only hope for redemption rests with ‘The Penitent One’, the sole survivor of the ‘Silent Sorrow’ massacre. As ‘The Penitent One’ players will enter a nightmarish cycle of death and rebirth where suffering and failure are only temporary obstacles. ‘The Penitent One’s sword, the Mea Culpa, will become a true force to be reckoned with; cutting its way through a seemingly never-ending horde of enemies and increasingly tougher bosses with brutal force.

Throughout the adventure, players will interact with tortured souls looking for an end to their torment, uncover their stories, gain rewards, and unlock buffs, special attacks, and other customizations to help steady the unrelenting resolve of ‘The Penitent One’.