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Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights

Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights will be the game that’ll make you pick up a Nintendo 3DS if you don’t already own one. And be the game that you always carry if you own one. It’s a robust and immersive adventure game with brain bending puzzles that’ll challenge both you and your friends. With a unique cast of characters and a storyline that’ll engage you from the beginning the challenges that lie ahead will be well worth your time!

With the Eiffel Tower under construction and preparations for the Exposition Universelle of 1889 underway, Paris at the end of the 19th century is a lively, bustling city. At the same time, a group of adventurers are preparing to prowl the city’s underground in search of “Treasures Animatus” otherwise known as living treasures. They begin their adventure by gathering at a bar called “Le Repaire” located beneath the Palais Garnier opera house, armed with a mysterious treasure map. Only a few of the smartest and bravest would obtain fame and fortune. For the rest, only death awaits.

Jean-Pierre Lautrec, a mystery-loving archeologist from the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN), is one of these adventurers. Lautrec is a brilliant man, calm and reassuring while also being sarcastic and argumentative. He has few friends in this world but seems not to care. His true love and passion is immersing himself in mysteries and puzzles. He’s not one to break the laws that surround him, but he lacks morals and knows how to bend them. Aided by his one true friend and assistant, Sophie, they together search tirelessly for Treasures Animatus. Sophie, a young, outgoing and emotional student also at the university frequently assists Lautrec in his quests and secretly has a crush on the professor.

One day, a woman named Marie visits Lautrec bearing a curious gadget. Unsure what it is she seeks his guidance. The mysterious map that the gadget displays seems to point the way to a fantastic hidden treasure belonging to Louis XIV of the House of Bourbon, a dynasty that had collapsed nearly a century earlier and gone unfound for decades.

As Lautrec and Sophie search for the treasure, they find themselves targeted by a mysterious man named Vidocq. They are blocked at every turn by the Knights of the Iron Mask, a mysterious group of men with iron masks and claws.

Will Lautrec be able to find the hidden treasure of Louis XIV? And what is the true identity of the mysterious Marie? All mysteries will be revealed in this puzzle solving adventure on the Nintendo 3DS.


A Game for Anyone: Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights is the perfect game for anyone ages 15-55. If you have a healthy love for solving puzzles, enjoy games with a rich and robust adventure story, great characters and hours upon hours of game play, then this is the game for you. Family friendly fun for everyone.

3D Technology: Harness the power of the Nintendo 3DS like never before and experience an epic puzzle solving adventure in full 3D (Standard 2D game play also possible).

Brain Bending Puzzles: Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights offers more than 250 brain bending puzzles sure to challenge you. Solve word puzzles, spot the difference, drawing puzzles and so many more each growing in difficulty as you progress.

Immersive Game Play: Journey through more than 20 hours of interactive and immersive game play that you can take with you just about anywhere.

Captivating Adventure: Uniquely complex characters and a rich storyline are brilliantly weaved together to capture and engross you in a robust gaming experience similar to that of Indiana Jones meets Pirates of the Caribbean.

Expanded Gamer Experience: Includes secondary RPG style elements to give you a more engaging adventure game that aids in expanding and enhancing the game play. Avoid guards, journey through the catacombs undetected, topple walls, battle living spirits and much more.


Jean-Pierre Lautrec – 28 years old. He is the main character of this story and an Archeology professor at Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris. His demeanor; logical, calm and reassuring although argumentative and sarcastic. He is also a genius. He lacks communication skills and doesn’t have many friends, but he seems not to care. His true loves are mysteries and puzzles, which was the reason he began a career in archeology. At the University he is unpopular among the students. His classes are frequently canceled and so no one registered for this year’s postgraduate courses. He has a habit of saying “There just isn’t enough time to solve the mysteries in this world”. Dr. Lautrec is not the type of person to break laws, but he does lack morals and has no problem bending them to his will and he’s not much interested in right and wrong. When an excavation is unreasonably prohibited, he claims that it is “inconsequential” and carries on without permission. Nothing but the mystery matters more.

Sophie Coubertin – 22 years old. Profession, student. Sophie is a linguistics major at the University of Paris. She spent her childhood in Egypt, and is a fluent speaker of Arabic. Since her part time job as an assistant to Dr. Lautrec on an excavation in Egypt, she has been visiting his office frequently. Sophie voluntarily does assistant-like work for Dr. Lautrec.

She is bright, outgoing and emotionally charged. Sophie laughs a lot and gets angry quite frequently as well. She is small, slender, and extremely attractive. The “Quasi-Miss. University of Paris”. Many have shown interest in going out with her, but she isn’t interested because she likes Lautrec instead. Sophie is frustrated because he seems not to care a single bit. She is always arguing with Dr. Lautrec.

“Dr. Lautrec, doing puzzles again? Don’t you get tired of it? Geez, that’s why your students are fed up with you!”

Jack-Marie Vidocq is his full name but goes just by Vidocq. 30 years old. He is a linguistic scholar and a historian at Sorbonne University, or so he would have you believe. Brilliant, calculating, methodical with an extreme attention to detail. He has no friends but instead has associates. He trusts no one and believes no one. He’s cold hearted.

He too deals in mysteries and puzzles with a healthy obsession for treasure of his own. Instead of excavating he is instead the mastermind of an organization crime that fences grave robbing and steals treasure. He has henchmen that work for him, secretly, under the table. Vidocq, is a charlatan who lies about being a professor at the University and is the mastermind of the Knights of the Holy Mask.

Jean Legrand, co-leader of a low-level branch of a crime syndicate. Sworn brother of Paul Lepetit. The two are practically inseparable. Acts smug and fashions himself as a ladies’ man.

Paul Lepetit, co-leader of a low-level branch of a crime syndicate. His uncle was a high-ranking syndicate executive. Sworn brother of Jean Legrand. The two are practically inseparable. Fond of machinery, and is constantly inventing new devices, but they do not always work as expected.