Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders provides players the ability to build a variety of unique tools from materials you gather, and rebuild towns and cities to restore life to the shattered world of Alefgard. Players will battle with famous monsters from the Dragon Quest series and interact with gorgeously-designed 3D characters. The immersive Dragon Quest story and world to explore, combined with the freedom of sandbox gameplay, provides a new and exciting family-friendly experience, with an intuitive control system, that will have you building the towers and castles of your dreams in no time!
Gameplay in Dragon Quest Builders offers sandbox exploration/experimentation combined with an immersive story and allows players to interact with a host of iconic characters and monsters. Players can let their imagination run wild to create an infinite variety of structures, in response to extravagant requests from citizens eager to find new homes. With an easy-to-learn and quick-to-master control system, Dragon Quest Builders will have builders of all skill levels creating masterpieces in no time.