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Tales of Xillia 2


One year after the climatic events of Tales of Xillia in which the two worlds, Rieze Maxia and Elympios, were united by the destruction ofthe barrier that separated the two worlds. Elympios is a modern nation with a high level of technological advancement gained through theuse of spyrix, whereas Rieze Maxia is a previously isolated land which relies on spirit artes and nature. While both worlds work towardspeace together, there are still numerous clashes due to cultural differences and it will be some time before true peace is achieved. Jude,Milla and the cast of the original Tales of Xillia from Rieze Maxia now strive to live their lives and fight for peace in this newly reunited world.

Tales of Xillia 2 centers around Ludger Kresnik, a young man and a skilled chef who lives in Trigleph city in Elympios with his brother Juliusand their cat Rollo. He strives to follow in his brother’s footsteps and work as an agent in the prestigious Spirius Corporation, a large scaleand illustrious company that develops technology for every field imaginable. One day, through a chance encounter, he meets Elle Marta: ayoung girl travelling alone attempting to reunite with her father at the mythic “Land of Canaan” and ends up accompanying her. His choiceto accompany her will send the two on a journey that will change the fate of the two worlds forever.

•A Bleak World – A darker story and noir atmosphere awaits Ludger and Elle as they must make hard choices and decisions that affect not only their own welfare but that of the world and people around them
•New and Returning Characters – Jude, Milla and the cast of original characters fates intertwine with Ludger and Elle and unfold in character stories that players experience to see how their favorite characters have progressed in the aftermath of the story told in the first game
•The power of Choice – Decide how Ludger reacts to situations throughout the game changing the upcoming events and affecting his relationships with his companions, ultimately altering the course of the story
•Enhanced Battle System – The DR-LMBS (Double Raid Linear Motion Battle System) real-time battle system is improved and expanded with special battle abilities including the Weapon Swap system and Chromatus transformations
•A Tale of Designs – Adding to the characters designed by famed Tales of character designers, Mutsumi Inomata and Kosuke Fujishima, Daigo Okumura, character designer on previous Tales of titles joins to design Ludger and Elle for Tales of Xillia 2