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Lost Ember

Lost Ember is a third-person narrative-based exploration title about a wolf who can inhabit all manner of animals, along with their spirit companion. Players will be able to control over a dozen different creatures, such as a hummingbird, a fish, a mountain goat and a parrot. Along the way, your spirit guide will narrate the tale of what happened to the lost human civilizations that once settled in these wild lands.

Experience the contrasting stories of the fall of mankind and the lush life in a world reclaimed by nature. Explore the land, sea, and air, as you possess any creature you come across to experience life from a whole new perspective. Fly through gargantuan canyon valleys as a parrot! Tumble through the grass as a wombat! Swim through shimmering lakes as a fish! Your journey will take you from densely wooded jungles, to lush rainforest canopies, to barren desert plains and archaic temples. Ultimately, you’ll discover a tale of loyalty, despair, and betrayal, as echoes of the lost Yanrana culture come to life in a lush wilderness devoid of man.