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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (Steam Edition)

Take on prehistoric predators of all shapes and sizes as Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. The 14 high-tech weapons that you’ll use in your strides to obliterate the scaled beasts include knives, a Tek-Bow, a grenade launcher, a pulse rifle, a quad rocket launcher, and an atomic fusion cannon.

This single-player adventure takes you through 3D worlds as you scale surfaces and swim underwater to take out razor-toothed raptors, triceratops, pterodactyls, and even alien marauders. This dangerous world has lots of surprises waiting for you, with additional obstacles like swinging logs, spiked branches, and crushing rockfalls. Sound difficult? At least you’ll be able to pick up health, ammo, and weaponry along the way to give you a leg up on your enemies. You’d better be on your toes if you hope to stay alive in this revolutionary trip through time.