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Albert & Otto

Albert & Otto

Set in pre-World War II Germany, Albert & Otto seems, at first, to be about a boy on a journey to find his abducted sister. But it is not a story about saving a damsel in distress. It is about grief, anger, and the choices we make under those extreme circumstances. The game takes visual inspiration from Tim Burton’s early stop-motion films as well as Schindler’s List.

Albert & Otto is a game where a boy and his abducted sister’s magical bunny embark on a journey to find Anna. They must work together to overcome the murderous beasts and lethal puzzles blocking their way. Although Albert & Otto at first seems like a journey to save the damsel in distress, it is anything but. We soon learn that our hero might be hiding something from us, or rather, himself.

The player must use both Albert and Otto in creative ways to traverse a haunting world. At the beginning of the story, Albert can shoot and jump, while Otto can fit through tight gaps and hold down power switches. But together, they unlock new skills such as a double jump, which is only available when Otto is in Albert’s bag, levitation, control of electrical currents, and more as the story unfolds.

  • Unique mechanic utilizing a little bunny which the player can carry around or leave and/or remotely control in order to solve puzzles
  • A story that is inspired by dark events buried in our history and isn’t spoon fed to the player but spans across 3 episodes and is told through a child’s drawings and clues scattered throughout the game that force the player to think outside the box.
  • Levitate sheep, use them as platforms to swim on, a torch to light a dark cave or as a distraction for wolves while you make a quick escape. (if your stomach can handle it)
  • 2.5 – 3 hours of unique puzzles that utilize a bunny, levitation, electrical switches, wolves, piranhas and more.
  • Experience a mix of slow paced thought provoking puzzle design and fast unforgiving gauntlet sections.
  • Come face to face with intimidating larger than life mechanical monsters and outsmart them.