The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an Action RPG filled with fierce and demonic battles, memorable characters, and a unique story based on Bram Stoker’s legendary vampire slayer. Set in a gothic-noir universe resembling a fantastical 19th century Europe filled with monsters, magic, and weird technology, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing will follow the son of the famed hunter, known in-game as Van Helsing, in a tale wrought with wry humor and snappy dialogue. Van Helsing, a larger-than-life hero possessing a dark yet romantic charm, will follow his path to the dismal land of Borgovia where former supernatural foes have enlisted his help to defeat a new scourge terrorizing the ravaged Eastern European city. With an assortment of extraordinary characters, an engrossing storyline, and a beautifully dark and gothic art style, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing looks to bring RPG enthusiasts an anachronistic adventure like no other.
The Final Cut edition of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing brings the trilogy together with a refined, streamlined, definitive version of all three games. It merges campaign modes from all three games, adds more exciting quests, allows certain sequences to be played as optional additional content, and streamlines selected material for one long single player campaign.