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Ragnarok: Tactics

Enter the world of Ragnarok: Tactics and experience an epic tale of heroism and Tragedy Filled withintrigue and action-packed play, Ragnarok: Tacticsbrings a brand-new style to the legendary Ragnarok series.

Exhilarating Battle Mode & Expansive Battle Unleash powerful Overdrive attacks or Burst Strike, a potent party combination attack An expansive battle grid gives players flexibility and will thrill.

Interact with Friends: Using the PSP s adho capabilities exchange weapons unlock extra features and equipment with your friends.

Unique AIZ System: Unique to the series, AIZ Points allow a player to go back and change his/her choices to see situations unfold differently and from different perspectives.

Create Your Own Characters: Inspired by Ragnarok Online, players of this version will be able to create their own characters and assign jobs.