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Edge of Twilight: Return to Glory

Edge of Twilight: Return to Glory
Edge of Twilight is a 3rd person action-adventure game presenting a unique post-apocalyptic, steampunk fantasy world that has been split into separate realms of Day and Night. During his journey, your hero will become part of an increasingly complex storyline that will blur the line between good and evil.

Take on the role of Lex, an outcast bounty hunter who finds himself caught amidst the clash of two polar opposite civilizations, the industrial Atherns and the spiritual Lithern, the result of impetuous greed for a solitary source of energy. Lex is the only living half-breed in the world, rejected by society and burdened with the unique ability to venture through the two parallel realms. Ironically, that society will soon learn that his half-breed heritage is the last chance their world has to escape complete darkness.

An immense post-apocalyptic world that combines both steampunk and alternative fantasy elements
A new brand of fast-paced cinematic combat and action that adapts depending on the character’s persona and the player’s reactions
A world divided into the realms of Day and Night, and an antihero torn between two personas, each possessing its own distinct abilities
A unique, twisting and captivating storyline that dynamically alters based on the player’s level of involvement
A living, breathing world populated by an interesting and wildly different cast of characters