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Neverending Nightmares (Video)

Neverending Nightmares is a 2D psychological horror game with graphics inspired by Edward Gorey & inspired by the developer’s real-life battle with mental illness.

Neverending Nightmares puts players in the shoes of Thomas, a disturbed young man who is doomed to dream, fear-wracked and rattled and far from the comfort of the waking world. As he tumbles through endless night, Thomas will encounter the apparitions that dwell in the spaces between sleep and sleeplessness, where the bounds of reality begin to bend and warp and each new sight is an unequaled horror. It is up to the player to evade the denizens of darkness, to discern reality from illusion, and to learn the terrible truth behind the nightmare.

For all its fantastical, phantasmagorical imagery, Neverending Nightmares is grounded by its all-too-real source material. In designing the game, developer Matt Gilgenbach drew inspiration from his own personal struggles with mental illness. Gilgenbach hopes that Neverending Nightmares will help to create awareness, inspire empathy, and show gamers going through similar struggles that they are not alone.

Neverending Nightmares’ remarkable visual style and harsh colors contribute to the disjointing world that players are trapped in. Inspired by the art of Edward Gorey, this starkly sparse color palette highlights the player’s disorientation and isolation as they venture through the darkness.